Architectural Review Code



Architectural Review Board


1246.01           Intent.

1246.02           Establishment; composition and qualifications.

1246.03           Terms; officers.

1246.04           Meetings.

1246.05           Quorum and Vote.

1246.06           Conflict of Interest.

1246.07           Compensation.

1246.08           Review of Signage Applications.

1246.09           Review of Site Plan and Development Plans.

1246.10           Architectural Review Board to Advise.

1246.11           Disposition of Board Reports.

 1246.12         Failure to Act.

1246.13          Standards and Criteria.

 1246.01 INTENT.

            The Architectural Review Board shall review the deisgn, amenities, quality, relationships to natural features and other aspects of signs, buildings, and site development plans which relate to the appearance of an entire project, all of its part and its surroundings.  All standards, regulations and criteria contained in this Zoning Code and the Builidng Code shall be considered by the Architectural Review Board in its review. 


            There is hereby established effective June 1, 2009 an Architectural Review Board consisting of six members including the City Building Commissioner or designee from the Building Department, the City Engineer or designee from the Engineering Department, the City Planner, the Coordinator of City Natural Resources and two non-City employee members to be appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by Council.  One appointed member shall be a registered architect authorized to practice architecture under the laws of the State of Ohio, and one appointed member shall ba a landscape architect.  


            The terms of all existing members of the Board shall expire as of June 1, 2009.  Each new non-City employee member of the Architectural Review Board shall be appointed for a term of four years.  There shall be a Chairman of the Board appointed by the Mayor from the six  Board members who shall be responsible for the proper administration of its duties.   The Mayor also shall appoint a Secretary to the Board, who may or may not be a member, and who shall keep or cause to be kept a complete record of all meetings and provide reports consistent with Section 1246.11 of this Chapter. 

 1246.04 MEETINGS.

            The Architectural Review Board shall meet at the date and times determined by the Chairman or as designated by the Mayor. 


         Four (4) members of the Board shall constitute a quorum.  The concurring vote of four (4) members of the Board shall be necessary to approve any matter it considers.  The Chairman of the Boad shall have the determining vote in the event of a deadlock in voting by Board members.


            No person appointed to the Architectural Review Board shall participate in the review of, or give advice upon, any work in which the member, the member’s partner, or the member’s professional associate or associates have any direct or indirect interest.


            Compensation shall be paid to the two (2) appointed non-City employee members of the Architectural Review Board as fixed by Council.  All other members, including the City Plnner and the City employees, shall receive no additional compensation as Board members. 


(a)  Submission of Applications.  All applications for signage permits, with accompanying drawings, renderings, sata and material samples to be used, shall be submitted to the Building Commissioner.  The Building Commissioner shall process such applications as provided in this section.

(b)  Approval of Applications by Building Commissioner.  If the Building Commissioner determines that the application for signage involves:

       (1)     A minor change to a current sign; or

       (2)    A new sign or a replacement sign for an area with an established signage program    which sign the Building Commissioner deems to be in compliance with the established signage program; or

       (3)    A temporary sign;

then the building Commissioner may approve or disapprove of the sign application, without referral to the Architectural Review Board.  In taking such action to approve or disapprove of such application the Building Commissioner shall consider all the requirements to the Building Code and the Zoning Code, including but not limited to, the standards in this Chapter.

(c)  Submittal of Applications to the Board.  All sign applications, other than those set out in Sec. 1246.08(b) above, shall be submitted to the Architectural Review Board for its determination pursuant to the regulations in the Building Code and the Zoning Code, including, but not limited to, the standards in this Chapter.  


(a)  Multi-Family, Public Facilities, Business Districts, Offices, Research Development, Commercial Service, General Industrial, General Industrial-A Site Plans and Development Plans.

     The Secretary to the Planning Commission shall submit directly to the Architectural Review Board any application along with accompaning drawings, renderings, data and materials samples to be used which the Secretary receives for a Site Plan or Developmetn Plan; including, but not limited to, new developments or site plan revisions, alterations, or additions of any type to developments or site plans for Multi-Family, Public Facilities, Business District, Office, Research Development, Commercial Service, General Industrial, General Industrial-A developments for the Architectural Review Board's review, report and recommendation.

     The Board shall, within thrity days from the date of receiving such application, provide and furnish to the Planning Commission its report and recommendation.

             Within thirty days after an application containing all required information has been filed with Secretary or such longer time as agreed upon by the development proposal and report of the Board and shall make a finding either that the proposal complies or does not comply with regulations, standards, and criteria prescribed by this Zoning Code applicable to the proposal and shall approve, disapprove or modify such proposal.

(b)  Small Public Utility Sites.  Notwithstanding any other provisions fo this Chapter, an application for a permit for a building or structure which is utilized for public utility purposes and occupies ground coverage of less than one hundred thirty (130) square feet shall not be transmitted to the Architectural Review Board for review, and in such circumstance, the color and material of the building or structure and landscaping or screening, if required, will be reviewed directly by the Planning Commission after receiving the report and recommendations of the Coordinator of City Natural Resources.


     The report, review and recommendations of the Architectural Review Board to the Planning Commission are advisory only.  The Planning Commission may accept or reject such reports, reviews, and recommendations by the Board.  Additionally, the Planning Commission may refer any other matter it deems proper to the Architectural Review Board for its report, review and recommendation.


     Three copies of the report of the Architectural Review Board shall be prepared.  One shall be filed with the Planning Commission for its use, one shall be filed with the Clerk of Court and shall be open to public inspection, and one copy shall be retained by the Board.  The Board shall complete its report and recommendation within thirty days after receipt of an application.  The Secretary shall maintain minutes for all meetings of the Architectural Review Board.

 1246.12 FAILURE TO ACT.

            If the Architectural Review Board fails to act within thirty days after it has received an application with all required drawings, renderings, data and material samples it shll be considered as recommended for approval by the Board. 


            The following standards and criteria are established to guide the Architectural Review Board in its review of development proposals:

            (a)        Materials shall be appropriate for the use of the building, for weathering and for their relationship to other materials, including those used on adjacent buildings.

            (b)        Colors and textures shall be appropriate for the size and scale of the building, for weathering and for their relationship to the site and adjacent buildings.

            (c)        Architectural details and ornaments shall be meaningful to the overall design and appropriate for the size and scale of the building and for weathering.

            (d)        Mechanical equipment shall be considered as it affects rooftop appearance, sidewall openings, sound levels, smoke and other nuisance aspects.  Mechanical equipment shall also be considered as it relates to overhead wires, gas and electric meter stations and any other visible appurtenances.

            (e)        Approaches, drives and parking areas shall be considered as they affect the appearance from the street and from the site as well.  The relationship of paving to the building shall be appropriate considering factors such as safety, drainage and landscaping.

            (f)         Landscaping shall be appropriate for the size and use of the area, and for its relationship to the building, street, parking area, walks and adjacent buildings.

            (g)        Lighting shall be considered for the appropriateness of nighttime illumination of the grounds, drives, walks, parking areas and the building, and its effect upon surrounding areas.

            (h)        Signs shall be considered for the appropriateness of size, scale, shape, color and illumination in relation to the building site and neighboring sites.

(Ordinance 2009-014  passed 4-20-09.)