Open Burning
Can I burn leaves in my yard?
No. It’s illegal in Strongsville to burn garbage or residential waste, including landscaping debris and leaves.
Is it legal to cook over an open fire?
Yes. Cooking food for human consumption is one of the exceptions to the open burning law. It is also permissible to have a fire to heat tar and for warmth of outdoor workers and strikers. The fires cannot be within 15 feet of a structure.
How about a recreational fire in my back yard?
Recreational fires are permitted in your back yard, as long as rubbish is not being burned and the fire is no larger than 3 feet in diameter and 2 feet in height. Recreational fires, including gas-fired recreational pits, cannot be located within 25 feet of a structure or combustible material.
The fire department may order the immediate extinguishment of a fire at any time.
Portable outdoor solid-fuel-burning fireplaces may be open in design or equipped with a small hearth opening and short chimney on top. They must be operated in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and cannot be operated within 15 feet of a structure or combustible material.
Violators can be cited with a third-degree misdemeanor, which is punishable by a fine of $500 and up to 60 days in jail.
For more information on Strongsville’s open burning law, or to view the city’s fire code, please click here.
Barbecue Grills
It’s illegal to use a grill on or below a balcony of an apartment building or multifamily dwelling, or within 20 feet of any structure housing three or more families.
Chinese Lanterns
It is illegal to release into the sky any object that is on fire, including hot air devices commonly called Chinese Lanterns or Sky Lanterns.
It is legal in Ohio to discharge fireworks, but it is still illegal in Strongsville for anyone other than a licensed exhibitor to ignite or possess fireworks. Violators can be charged with a first-degree misdemeanor, punishable by a fine up to $1,000 and a maximum of six months in jail.
Carseat Installation
Carseat installation is handled by the Strongsville Police Department as a courtesy to residents. Call (440) 580-3230 to set up an
appointment to have a child seat checked or installed.
Community Room
Fire Station No. 1 at 11297 Webster Road has a room that is available to the community for meetings. To reserve the room, call (440) 580-3218.
Sharps and Needles
With proper precautions, sharps and needles from home injections can be placed in a rigid plastic container, sealed securely and placed in the trash.
Check with your health care provider or health care facility to see if they have a take-back program for needles. If not, used needles and syringes from self-injections may be placed in the regular trash if certain precautions are followed. The precautions are designed to protect sanitation workers and other workers in the waste industry from being stuck by a needle.
- Place used needles and syringes in a rigid plastic container with a sealable lid such as a Sharps container or a plastic laundry detergent bottle with a screw top.
- Seal the lid with tape.
- Write "Caution: Sharps" on the container.
- Place the container in your regular trash.
- Do not place the container in with your recyclables.
- Consider using a mail-back program from Republic Services
Sharps can also be placed in a secure, rigid, labeled plastic container and taken to Strongsville's transfer station, located behind municipal offices at 16099 Foltz Parkway, during operating hours. Also, check out
cuyahogarecycles.org for more information.
CPR Classes
The department offers first aid and CPR classes to the public. For information, please click here.
Ready Notify
Strongsville is part of Cuyahoga County’s emergency alert network. If you are registered with Ready Notify, you can expect to receive notifications by text, call or e-mail about emergency events, news, closures, water boil alerts, safety messages and other information. NOTE: As of March 2019, EVERYONE is asked to register with Ready Notify as the county has switched to a new provider, CodeRED. Even if you were already signed up and received alerts, please re-register.
Residential Lock Boxes
Residential lock boxes are an option for first responders to use in order to gain access to a resident’s house when responding to
a medical alert. A small box is mounted on the outside of the building and a key is placed inside. The code to open the lock box is recorded at the Dispatch Center and provided to first responders when they need to access the home. The lock boxes can be purchased from the Strongsville Senior Center, 18100 Royalton Road, at a discounted price. A member of the Fire Prevention Office will be glad to assist in installation and supplying the pertinent information to the Dispatch Center. Click here for more information or call (440) 580-3225.
Fire Extinguisher Training
Residents, businesses and groups can receive free training on how to use a fire extinguisher by calling (440) 580-3218.
Copies of Medical Reports
EMS records are protected healthcare information and are administrated under HIPAA law. To receive a copy of a medical report, the patient must present proper identification and sign a release of information form. No medical records will be released without proper documentation. For information, call (440) 580-3218.
EMS Billing
The City contracts with a third party to process claims and collect fees from EMS responses. The City accepts what insurance pays as payment in full for residents, individuals who own property in Strongsville, and anyone employed by a Strongsville business. The City has contracted with EMS Management and Consultants in Lewisville, NC. If you have a question about a bill for ambulance service, please call (440) 580-3218.
Aluminum Can Donations
Strongsville participates in Aluminum Cans for Burned Children. You can help by dropping off your aluminum cans at any of the city's four fire stations.
Please click here for details.
After the Fire

For residents who have suffered a fire, the department has prepared a 'survival guide" to direct you through the recovery process, including who to contact for assistance, what to expect from your insurance company and safety instructions.
Please click here to see the brochure.
Station Tours
The department is happy to offer tours of its stations to groups. To arrange one, call the on-duty shift commander at (440) 580-3210.
Hydrant Maintenance
Annually, all public fire hydrants are inspected, maintained and flowed to ensure proper operation.
Residents are reminded that if they encounter rusty or discolored water flowing from their home faucets following this maintenance, they should run only the cold water for a few minutes until it clears.
Areas immediately adjacent to fire hydrants need to be kept clear of any obstructions, such as trees or shrubbery that could delay locating a fire hydrant in the event of a fire. In the winter, residents are asked to shovel snow around hydrants so they are visible and easily accessed.
Residents are also asked to refrain from landscaping around hydrants.
Becoming a Strongsville Firemedic
Civil service tests are administered every two years. Please click here to learn more about civil service testing.
Fire Safety Trailer
The department teaches children about fire safety by visiting third-grade classes with the fire safety trailer, which is designed to look like rooms in a house to demonstrate fire hazards and how to escape a fire. The trailer becomes filled with artificial smoke and kids are instructed to climb out a window to safety.