On behalf of the Strongsville Police Department, it is my privilege to present the 2023 Year-End Report. The Strongsville Police Department is dedicated to improving the quality of life in our community. This report provides a descriptive summary of what we do daily, as well as some of the community events we assisted with throughout the year.
As we move forward into 2024, the Strongsville Police Department will strive to improve our services. We are excited to implement some of the newest technology available to assist us in our investigations. The City of Strongsville has started the installation of Flock automated license plate recognition cameras throughout the city. These cameras will assist us to collect visual, audio, and situational evidence across the entire city to solve and prevent crime. The department also utilizes drones to assist with a multitude of missions including special event security, suspect searches, and crime scene/traffic crash investigations. The Department currently has five drone pilots.
The Strongsville Police Department will continue to build relationships within the community. The Department looks forward to continuing the Citizen Police Academy, wherein officers educate our community members about the daily activities a police officer may encounter. New in 2024, we are in the process of creating a program in partnership with the Strongsville City Schools to create a version of the academy directed at the high school student interested in law enforcement.
I would like to thank our Mayor Tom Perciak, Safety Director Charlie Goss, and the members of City Council who have supported the Police Department. I would also like to thank the citizens of Strongsville for your support throughout the years. The men and women of the Police Department do not take this support for granted. We thank you for the opportunity to serve you. We will continue to strive to make Strongsville a great city to live, work, and raise a family.
Chief Tom O’Deens

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We value our proud reputation of quality service, professionalism, integrity and compassion
In partnership with the community, we pledge to:
Protect the lives and property of our fellow citizens
Persist in the pursuit of violators of our laws, while protecting the Constitutional rights and freedoms of all
Enhance the quality of life by identifying and solving community problems, preventing crime and extinguishing fear
Preserve a proud reputation of quality service, professionalism, integrity and compassion
To develop together as a team of members who enjoy our work, take pride in our integrity and a professional public image, and are committed to a constant improvement in the excellence of our service