
  • 2014-131 | ADOPTED JULY 07, 2014 An ordinance authorizing and directing the Mayor to issue and approve change order No. 3 for a further increase in the contract price in accordance with the provisions of the contract between the City of Strongsville and Fabrizi Trucking & Paving Co., Inc., in connection with the Pearl Road widening project phase ii (CUY-42-0.00), and declaring an emergency.
  • 2014-130 | ADOPTED JULY 07, 2014 An ordinance appropriating a fee simple interest and various temporary construction easements on property located at 11062 Prospect Road, Strongsville, Ohio, (being part of permanent parcel nos. 392-10-022 & 392-10-023); directing the Law Department to proceed with the expedited acquisition of such property interests for the city’s albion and Prospect Roads intersection improvement project, and declaring an emergency.
  • 2014-129 | ADOPTED JULY 07, 2014 An ordinance authorizing the sale by internet auction, of certain obsolete property no longer needed for any municipal purpose by the city’s Recreation Department, and declaring an emergency.
  • 2014-128 | ADOPTED JUNE 16, 2014 A resolution authorizing the Mayor to advertise for bids for the asphalt street program for 2014 in the City of Strongsville.
  • 2014-127 | ADOPTED JULY 21, 2014 An ordinance establishing new annual membership fees and payment procedures for the Walter F. Ehrnfelt recreation and senior center effective October 1, 2014.
  • 2014-126 | ADOPTED JUNE 16, 2014 An ordinance authorizing the Mayor to enter into a new non-exclusive lease agreement with the Strongsville football league, inc. For premises located on Lunn Road in the City of Strongsville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.
  • 2014-125 | ADOPTED JUNE 16, 2014 An ordinance authorizing the Mayor to enter into an agreement with a firm of independent certified public accountants for professional accounting services to prepare financial statements for the City of Strongsville for fiscal years 2014, 2015 and 2016, without public bidding, and declaring an emergency.
  • 2014-124 | ADOPTED JUNE 16, 2014 An ordinance authorizing the Mayor to enter into a contract for the purchase of a new 72” scag turf tiger mower for use by the city Service Department and for the sale and trade-in of various existing obsolete equipment, and to have the sale price applied to the purchase price, without public bidding for such sale, and declaring an emergency.