
  • 2014-011 | ADOPTED JANUARY 21, 2014 An ordinance requesting participation in united states general services administration contracts for the purchase of cellular communications services and equipment for use by various departments of the city; authorizing the Mayor and the Director of Finance to do all things necessary to enter into agreements in connection therewith; and declaring an emergency.
  • 2014-010 | ADOPTED JANUARY 21, 2014 An ordinance requesting participation in united states general services administration contracts for the purchase of services and support for video processing and surveillance, forensic and fraud prevention, data network engineering, and computer hardware and software maintenance for use by various departments of the city; authorizing the Mayor and the Director of Finance to do all things necessary to enter into agreements in connection therewith; and declaring an emergency.
  • 2014-009 | ADOPTED JANUARY 21, 2014 A resolution authorizing the Mayor to advertise for bids for the Prospect Road sanitary relocation project 2014, in the City of Strongsville.
  • 2014-008 | ADOPTED JANUARY 21, 2014 A resolution providing for the submission of ordinance No. 2013-214 to the electors, establishing an election date therefor, and declaring an emergency.
  • 2014-007 | ADOPTED JANUARY 06, 2014 An ordinance ratifying and authorizing the Mayor to accept funding and enter into a grant agreement on behalf of the City of Strongsville from cuyahoga arts & culture for matching funds for an arts program at the Ehrnfelt Senior Center, and declaring an emergency.
  • 2014-006 | ADOPTED JANUARY 06, 2014 A resolution granting permission to repurchase certain certificates for burial rights and to transfer and exchange other certificates for burial rights in the Strongsville Cunicipal Cemetery. [keaton]
  • 2014-005 | ADOPTED JANUARY 06, 2014 A resolution authorizing the Mayor to advertise for bids for the lease to own and/or purchase of up to four 8,500 lbs. GVW pickup trucks, one 12,800 lbs. GVW pickup truck, and up to four 18,000 lbs. GVW cab and chassis trucks, to be used by the Service Department of the City of Strongsville.
  • 2014-004 | ADOPTED JANUARY 06, 2014 An ordinance authorizing participation in Ohio Department of Administrative Services contracts for the purchase of computer hardware and other products, parts and accessories, and repair services by the Director of Communication & Technology through Dell Marketing L.P.; authorizing the Mayor to enter into agreements in connection therewith; and declaring an emergency.