Here's the Fall 2024 Leaf Collection Schedule

The Strongsville Service Department will pick up leaves in October and November 2024.  Residents should have their leaves piled near the curb by 7 a.m. on the MONDAY of the collection week. 
Crews will make ONE PASS of each street during the collection week. If your leaves are not at the curb on the day the crews are on your street, you can bag your leaves and leave them at the curb on your regular trash collection day, or wait for the next collection week.

REMEMBER: IT IS ILLEGAL TO PILE YOUR LEAVES IN THE STREET. Please keep them on the tree lawn. 

The 2024 schedule is as follows:

UPDATE DECEMBER 5: Crews are finishing the northern neighborhoods this week and plan to make one more pass of southern streets after that, depending on the weather. It is possible they will be able to visit streets north of Royalton Road again, but not guaranteed. 

For streets NORTH of Route 82 (Royalton Road), collection will be the weeks of 
October 21, November 4, November 18

For streets SOUTH of Route 82 (Royalton Road), leaves will be collected the weeks of
October 28, November 11, November 25

Weeks may be added as needed. Leaves should be piled along the roadside or curb, but not in the roadway or ditches and not more than 4 feet from the roadway.  THE CITY WILL NOT PICK UP IF THESE GUIDELINES ARE NOT FOLLOWED.
Branches, tree limbs, metal, rocks, firewood, or anything else that can cause damage to the leaf collection equipment must be sorted out from the leaf piles. Failure to do so will result in leaves not being collected.


Leaves collected by city crews will be sent to ecological collection locations approved by the state of Ohio.