Keeping Strongsville Green

The City of Strongsville strives to promote a greater awareness of our urban environment and how residents can make a difference in their own backyards. Our hope is to provide guidance to residents and business owners so that together we can keep Strongsville green!

Recycling Newsletter

Please click here to read the 2024 Recycling Newsletter, which includes important updates about curbside and drop-off recycling, upcoming community events and information about city services. 

The Solid Waste District also offers affordable compost bins and composting accessories for sale at its office in Garfield Heights.
For webinar details, registration, or information on composting products, visit

Household Hazardous Waste

Strongsville hosts several collections of household hazardous waste each year at the Service Center, 16099 Foltz Parkway.

The round-ups are for households only, not for waste generated by businesses, schools, churches, charity organizations, camps or other groups. NOTE: LATEX PAINT IS NOT ACCEPTED AT THESE COLLECTIONS.

In 2025, the collections are set for:

April 29 - 30 --  7:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Aug. 26 - 27 -- 7:30  a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Materials accepted – oil or solvent-based paint (no latex paint), varnish, mineral spirits, caustic household cleaners, adhesives, gasoline, sealers, polyurethane, herbicides, automotive fluids, roof tar, lighter fluid, primers and coatings, shellac, pesticides, motor oil, driveway sealer, mercury, paint thinner, turpentine, fungicides, car batteries and kerosene.


NOT accepted: LATEX PAINT. You can dispose of latex paint in your regular trash, as long as it is solidified. To dry a small amount, leave the lid off for several days until the paint hardens. For larger amounts, mix in a drying agent like cat litter, sawdust, plaster of Paris, Oil-dri or waste paint hardeners found at home improvement stores. Leave the lid off and place in a regular trash bag.  Do NOT throw liquid paint in the regular trash or pour down a drain or storm sewer.

Disposing of Special Items

For information on how to dispose of things like CFL bulbs, batteries, appliances, American flags, computers, syringes, plastic bags and other items, please see our Recycling page.

Shred Day

Shred Day 2024 is set for June 21 from 9 a.m. to noon at the Strongsville Middle School, 13200 Pearl Road. Please note the new location. The site is changed this year due to construction in the Town Center area.  

Acceptable items: (Small paper clips and staples can still be attached) accounting ledger paper, adding machine tape, advertisements, booklets/brochures, copy machine paper, colored paper - 20 pound, computer paper, envelopes, faxes, manila file folders, greeting cards, laser printer paper, legal pad paper, Post-it notes, NCR paper, receipts and all types of white paper.
NOT ACCEPTED:  Newspapers, phone books, magazines, binders, books, pendaflex folders, food and candy wrappers, waxed paper, photographs, napkins and Styrofoam containers.


Where does rainwater go after it disappears down the storm drain? Into streams, rivers and Lake Erie -- but it picks up pollutants like fertilizer from lawns, antifreeze and motor oil from driveways, and litter along the way. That ends up polluting the streams, affecting the water quality of Lake Erie and harming fish and wildlife. 

What can you do to help? The Cuyahoga Soil & Water Conservation District has education programs to help teach you how to protect our waterways -- and how to spread the word to others. Click here for more information

Green Strongsville Magazine


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