Located at the southeast corner of Pearl and Drake roads, the Community Garden is a joint project between the city and Southwest
General that launched in spring 2017. Southwest General has provided a parcel of land for the garden outside its Medical Center at 18181 Pearl Rd., and residents are invited to rent a plot of land to grow their own organic vegetables and fruits.
How to Participate
A total of 65 plots measuring 8 feet by 4 feet are available to Strongsville residents and employees of Southwest General. Cost is $35 each. Plots are limited to one per family.
Please contact Jennifer at (440) 580-3124 or e-mail jennifer.milbrandt@strongsville.org to check on availability.
Growing Strong Together
Successful community gardens rely on teamwork -- maintaining your own plot and helping with upkeep of the garden as a whole. Everyone who rents a garden plot is asked to volunteer with another aspect of the garden, like weeding, mulching paths and maintaining the tools.
Each gardener will receive one key to the garden. There is a $10 replacement fee for lost keys.
A water tank and a limited number of tools will be available on site, but gardeners are encouraged to bring their own tools. Each gardener is responsible for planting his or her own seeds or plants.
No corn or other plants that would shade the adjoining gardens are allowed.
This is an organic garden. The use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides is prohibited.
Check for Updates
The Community Garden has its own Facebook page. Check it out for updates.