Duty Index

Police Department and Dispatchers: 440-238-7373 (non-emergency)
Police Officer Voicemail - Please dial 440-580-3250 and follow the voice Instructions.
Duty Index 2023
Agency Function Contact Phone Number
Accreditation Lt. Kelley 440-580-3240
Administrative Secretary Amanda Hollingshead 440-580-3231
Budgeting/Fiscal Mgt. Deputy Chief Zacharyasz 440-580-3234
Ceremonial Unit Sgt. Piorkowski 440-580-3253
Chaplain Program Deputy Chief Zacharyasz 440-580-3234
Citizen Police Academy Sgt. Piorkowski 440-580-3253
College Intern Program Sgt. Piorkowski 440-580-3253
Communications Supervisor Jeff Branic 440-580-3291
Complaints / Commendations Deputy Chief Janowski 440-580-3239
Court Liaison  Sgt. Nettles 440-580-3242
Crime Analysis Lt. Campbell  440-580-3224
Crime Prevention Sgt. Piorkowski 440-580-3253
Criminal Investigations Lt. Campbell 440-580-3224
D.A.R.E.   Cheryl Komora 440-580-3257
Deer Control Permits Sgt. Nettles  440-580-3242
Drone Program  Det. Vanek  440-580-3235
Emergency Preparedness Deputy Chief Janowski 440-580-3239
Employee Assistance Program Deputy Chief Zacharyasz 440-580-3234
Employee Fitness Program Lt. Kelley 440-580-3240
Facility & Equipment Mgt. Steve Dzurisin 440-580-3243
Firearms/Qualifications Lt. Kubacki 440-580-3223
Grant Application & Mgt. Deputy Chief Zacharyasz 440-580-3234
Jail Operations Molly Chan 440-580-3230 x5255
Juvenile Operations Detective Bureau 440-580-3265
K-9 Teams Sgt. Piorkowski 440-580-3253
LEADS Terminal Agency Coordinator Erin Iorillo 440-580-3292
Liquor Permits Sgt. Piorkowski 440-580-3253
Narcotics Lt. Campbell 440-580-3224
Parking Violations Bureau Amanda Hollingshead 440-580-3231
Patrol Commander Lt. Kubacki 440-580-3223
Professional Standards Deputy Chief Janowski 440-580-3239
Property and Evidence Control Lt. Campbell 440-580-3224
Public Information/News Releases  Chief O'Deens 440-580-3232
Quick Response Team/Safe Passages Lt. Knipp 440-580-3233
Record Requests Clerical Staff 440-580-3230
Recruiting & Selection Lt. Kelley 440-580-3240
Research & Development Deputy Chief Zacharyasz 440-580-3234
Safety Town Cheryl Komora 440-580-3257
School Crossing Guards Sgt. Piorkowski 440-580-3253
Secondary Employment Sgt. Piorkowski 440-580-3253
Seizures/Forfeitures Acquisition Lt. Campbell 440-580-3224
Solicitor’s Permits Sgt. Piorkowski 440-580-3253
Special Events Sgt. Piorkowski 440-580-3253
Tactical Operations Sgt. Marsala 440-580-3240
Traffic Unit Sgt. Piorkowski 440-580-3253
Training/Career Development Lt. Kelley 440-580-3240
Vice Control Lt. Campbell 440-580-3224
Victim/Witness Assistance Cindy Vanderwyst 440-580-3237
Volunteers in Police Service (VIPS) Sgt. Piorkowski 440-580-3253
Warrant Service Deputy Chief Janowski 440-580-3239
For Employees or Departments not listed above 440-580-3230