
  • 2015-119 | ADOPTED JUNE 15, 2015 A resolution declaring it necessary to levy an additional 1.0 mill tax for the purpose of general construction, reconstruction, resurfacing and repair of streets, roads and bridges pursuant to section 5705.19(g) of the Ohio revised code, requesting the County Fiscal Officer to certify the total current tax valuation of the city and the dollar amount of revenue that would be generated by that tax levy, and declaring an emergency.
  • 2015-118 | ADOPTED JUNE 15, 2015 An ordinance authorizing the Mayor to enter into a memorandum of understanding by and between the City of Strongsville and the Strongsville firefighters association, iaff local 2882, to modify certain promotional procedures for Fire Department personnel, and declaring an emergency.
  • 2015-117. | ADOPTED JANUARY 15, 2015 An ordinance amending section 2 of ordinance No. 2014-186 in order to amend the not to exceed contract price with tac computer, inc. To provide for additional computer software and maintenance services for the Strongsville Police and Fire Departments, including the city’s regional public safety dispatch center, for the remainder of 2015, without public bidding, and declaring an emergency.
  • 2015-116. | ADOPTED JANUARY 15, 2015 A resolution confirming planning commission approval of the final site plan for the replacement of twelve (12) antennas and installation of one (1) ovp box on a telecommunications tower on property located at 15639 Royalton Road (PPN 399-02-005) in the City of Strongsville.
  • 2015-115. | ADOPTED JANUARY 15, 2015 An ordinance authorizing, ratifying and directing the Mayor to issue and approve change order No. 1 for an increase in the contract price in accordance with the provisions of the contract between the City of Strongsville and konstruction king, inc., in connection with the pavement reconstruction program for 2015, without further public bidding, and declaring an emergency.
  • 2015-114. | ADOPTED JANUARY 20, 2015 An ordinance enacting new sections 1242.07(b)(4) and 1258.03(a)(3)(a)(10), of title six of part twelve-planning and zoning code of the codified ordinances of the City of Strongsville in order to establish regulations for brewpubs and microbreweries, and declaring an emergency. First reading and referred to planning commission 06-01-15. Favorable recommendation from planning commission 06-11-15. Amended by substitution and second reading 06-15-15. Public hearing 07-20-15. Third reading 07-20-15.
  • 2015-113 | ADOPTED JUNE 01, 2015 An ordinance amending section 1 of ordinance No. 2015-014 to extend the term of the contract under the united states general services administration authorizing the purchase of cellular communications services and equipment for use by various departments of the city, and declaring an emergency.
  • 2015-112 | ADOPTED JUNE 01, 2015 An ordinance ratifying and authorizing an application for financial assistance with the u.S. Department of justice office of justice programs under the bulletproof vest partnership grant act of 1998, and declaring an emergency.